
This recipe is simple to make, yet impressive. The spicy, sweet, and salty marinade gives the fish a taste that my family goes nuts for! If it's too cold out to grill it, you also may broil it.

Caramel Mocha Ice Cream Cupcakes

Recipe by Scorpions and Centaurs

This tropical fruit mimosa is a wonderful change, and will serve several people too!

Caprese Quinoa Grilled Stuffed Mushrooms with Balsamic Glaze


Healthy Chicken Parmesan Pinch of Yum

Homemade Nutella

It may seem simple, but it's my favorite way to have tuna. Seared fish steaks are a Cajun tradition.

Strawberry and Mango Tart of Sexiness

Sweet Pumpkin Seed Protein Granola http

hint of mint chocolate milk.

Baked chicken fajita burritos

Spicy Mini Meatball Grilled Cheese

Pack in antioxidants. The ultimate in simplicity and refreshing taste, this coleslaw is flecked with green, red and yellow vegetables, the colors signifying the presence of antioxidants cabbage is thought to have anti-cancer activity. I like its crispy, sweet-and-sour taste, unlike that of a creamy coleslaw.